Marine Kit Promotional Video
We introduced the Create (K)it as part of our PlayKits series, which is centered around DIY arts and crafts. Our team put together 100 PlayKit boxes, each containing origami paper, popsicle sticks, stickers, and other materials. After reaching out to several local organizations that work with children, we partnered with the Society for Community Organization (SoCo)Â to host a play session and donate our PlayKits. The event was a great success, with the attendees drawing pictures of toys and engaging in creative play with our PlayKits. Overall, it was a fulfilling and rewarding experience for all involved!
On top of this, we brought some of the PlayKits to Ladies' Recreation Club where children got to decorate their boxes and play with the content inside! They were all fascinated by their new toys and had lots of fun!

Decoration at the CIS Fair

Fun at LRC